Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So miss s has separation anxiety. This means that my babe who used to wake once a night and transitioned beautifully from our room to her cot about 3 weeks ago is now waking every two hours for a cuddle or feed. She is becomingly increasingly upset if I leave the room or even put her down. Speaking with our local provider of early parenting services, I have been reassured that this is a normal occurrence with miss s hitting some milestones recently - two teeth popping through and beginning to crawl.  I was starting to freak out thinking all my good work teaching her to self settle had completely disappeared but the lovely lady on the phone said, no, my dear, no, your baby will remember how to get herself back once she gets through this phase. Please God, let her be right cos this phase sucks.

Any advice peoples?


  1. How old is miss s now? It is true that they do go through separation anxiety stages, which do pass with time so you can take heart. The other possibility is that it might also be a growth spurt...?
    Ronnie xo

  2. apparently crawling makes them rather unsettled as their body can't help but try out their new moves at night so they get themselves into unusual positions and find it all a bit unsettling! my advice would be stay confident, calm and just try and resettle. it will be a phase and if you remain constant with your approach she'll just get back to 'normal' when she's through this bit! we are going through a phase of bad in the day but she's sick and learning to crawl so its to be expected. doing my head in though! but i can be thankful the nights are okay *fingers crossed*. hahahahaha - i wish my kid would get separation anxiety!

  3. oh separation anxiety..been there! Tallulah has just grown out of this phrase, it probably lasted 2 months....it is really draining as she was so darn clingy and wouldn't even go to grandparents/aunts/uncles! It will pass...you just have to wait it out! Oh yeah if she was really clingy I sometimes popped her in the baby bjorn and wore her around the house so I could actually get things done otherwise we would have been sitting on the playmat holding hands all day!

  4. Pink ronnie...sienna is 6 1/2 months old, can't tell if she is having a growth spurt - she has been off the growth charts since she was born:) Thanks for the suggestions ladies and special thanks for the reassurance that this is a phase:)

  5. Jamie is only 5.5 months and he already gets upset if I leave him by himself or with someone else! At least he naps and sleeps fine, so I'm thankful for that. The thing with kids is that everything is a phase. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they jump leaps and bounds into the next stage of life!
    Ronnie xo

  6. Hope it's just a phase that passes!
    Bay also has a couple of teeth and is on thebrink of crawling.. no sign of separation anxiety yet, but I am on the lookout!

  7. We had a bad day yesterday but I think I've cracked the solution...going out and keeping her distracted. Means my naps have come to an end but better than a grizzly baby!
