Thursday, February 28, 2013


Two - Bruce was right about that bottom lip.

Slowly catching up on our weeks.  Our ob noticed your lovely bottom lip when you were a day old. "She'll be stubborn" he predicted. 

And yes you are. You are a beautifully strong-willed little girl. While it can be exasperating at times, a large part of my heart is so grateful that you are not  easily distracted, that you are passionate about what you find interesting (gravel has been a favourite for months here) and demanding that your opinions are truly listened to.  All these qualities will stand you in good stead for your life ahead. 

We are truly in two year old territory with the pouting and tantrums but this portrait reminds me to be grateful for this. I want to raise a strong woman.


1 comment:

  1. That stubbornness is hard when they are little, but teaching them to harness it is very rewarding.
